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Julia Roberts


March 7, 2011 by gaughin

Julia Roberts

It’s ironic that she played the personal assistant to Catherine Zeta-Jones’ character in America’s Sweetheart, because Roberts really fills that role.

It’s probably true that she’s limited as an actress; I don’t know how to measure that (I am sure science is working on an app for it, though.) But she’s reel reel purty, and she’s likable, and she tends to pick roles in films that tell a decent story. Her dramas are mostly believeable,  and her comedies are good for a few smiles, if not out and out laughs. Her stock in trade is feisty-while-perky.

I like to think of her as our John Wayne, but we got smarter this time around and gave her a lifetime achievement Oscar, ostensibly for Erin Brockovich,  before she gets all wrinkly and feeble.

Ten best roles: 1) Duplicity 2) Closer 3) Erin Brockovich 4) Notting Hill 5) Pretty Woman 6) My Best Friend’s Wedding 7) Charlie Wilson’s War 8) Mystic Pizza 9) Eat Pray Love 10) Something to Talk About

Percentile rating: 91.95

Peak period: Most people would go with the early roles, including Pretty Woman, but I am giving her 1999 – 2009. I am sure she will be delighted.

Neighborhood: Helena Bonham Carter, Sandrine Bonnaire, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Samuel L Jackson, Tobey Maguire, Charlotte Rampling


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